Welcome to PeonyLore. We are all about supporting one's journey, challenges and victories alike.
The Peony is a representation of Joy, Love, Abundance; in all forms - health, wealth, beauty, mystery and healing. It is filled with earthly knowledge: The petals and roots are not only fragrant but valued for their medicinal purposes. Found in many parts of the globe and enjoyed and revered for its opulence. It offers a unique high vibe frequency in a variety of colors in bush and stem. Many cultures go a step further, and describe our mythical and etheric friends (Fae and others) and their relationship to the flower. History has adorned us with its presence in art and song, and at this time of the great global ascension and awaking ~ I offer to you its full bounty! - Tamara.
Meet Tamara. She is a starseed, lightworker and energy healer. Natural born empath, psychic. Attuned to crystals, astrology, natural plant/herb/flower medicine with certification in Angelic Healing, Light Weaving and Sekm Reiki.
She is the owner operator of PeonyLore and offers her services as a Universal Translator, Channel, or Medium. Messages translated by Tamara are always guided by Spirit for your best and highest good. Tamara primarily uses Tarot & Oracle cards to provide a visual to go along with the messages from Spirit, but it doesn’t always work that way. Very often Spirit approaches and she channels messages or healings directly as is, even before a scheduled session.
Who is Spirit? Spirit is really any being on a higher vibration plane, dimension or realm. We all have dedicated beings dedicated to support our growth and our well being throughout our lifetime(s). Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, Ancestors (Known & Unknown), animals too.
Spirit will never allow something in that you are not prepared for. Regardless of your “religi-osity”, as long as you are open to hearing what Spirit, is prepared to share, you will always receive loving accurate messages, and therefore... Find the Beauty in all things.
Book a session or shop in the store. See Daily Transits / Monthly Zodiac info on socials.
The Name
I am always willing to serve those that are called.
In Love and Light. Many Blessings